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Anaç M., Gümüşburun Ayalp, G.,& Erdayandi K. (2023). Prefabricated construction risks: A holistic exploration through advanced bibliometric tool and content analysis. Sustainability. 15 (11916), 1-31. DOI 10.3390/su151511916. (SCI-E-Q2).
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Gümüşburun Ayalp, G. & Çivici T. (2023). Factors affecting the performance of construction industry during the COVID-19 andemic: A case study in Turkey. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 30 (8), 3160-3202. DOI 10.1108/ECAM-10-2021-0890. (SCI-E, SSCI-Q2) |
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Karadayı Yenice, T. and Ararat M. (2022). Turkish bath tradition: The example of Gaziantep, Turkey. International Journal of Intangible Heritage, 17, 197- 210. (AHCI) |
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İslamoğlu, E. & Karadayı Yenice, T. (2022). Cultural Perception Performance Assessment of Adaptively Reused Heritage Buildings: Kilis Eski Hamam Case Study. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 10(1), 203–220. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2022.200 (ESCI)
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Tan S. & Gümüşburun Ayalp, G. (2022). Root Factors Limiting BIM Implementation in Developing Countries: Sampling the Turkish AEC Industry”, Open House International. DOI 10.1108/OHI-12-2021-0273 (SCI-SSCI)
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Metinal, Y.B. & Gumusburun Ayalp, G. (2022). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on architectural education: bibliometric and content analyses. Open House International, Vol. 47 No. 4, pp. 657-687. https://doi.org/10.1108/OHI-05-2022-0120 (AHCI-SSCI) |
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Erman, O. & Geyyas, L. F. (2022). Konut ve Kültür İlişkisi Bağlamında Gaziantep Geleneksel Konutunda Üretimin Mekâna Yansıması . Milli Folklor 17(135) , 173-189. (AHCI) |
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Yenice, M.S.& Yağmur, E. (2022). A holistic conservation and development approach for Gaziantep Rumkale archaeological site. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCHMSD-08-2021-0146 (ESCI) |
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Ayalp, G. G., & Ay, I. (2021). Model validation of factors limiting the use of prefabricated construction systems in Turkey. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. (SSCI)
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Ay, İ. ve Gümüşburun Ayalp, G. (2021). Prefabrike Yapıların Tasarım, Üretim, Depolama, Nakliye ve Yapım Süreçlerini Etkileyen Kriterler. Teknik Dergi. 32(3),1-11. (SCI)
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Gümüşburun Ayalp, G. (2021) . Critical Predictors of Burnout Among Civil Engineers at Construction Sites: A Structural Equation Modelling. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. DOI 10.1108/ECAM-12-2020-1066. (SCI-SSCI)
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Gümüşburun Ayalp, G., & Çivici, T. (2021). Critical stress factors influencing architecture students in Turkey: a structural equation modelling approach. Open House International. 46(2), 281-303. (SSCI)
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Görücü, Y. &Yenice, M.S.(2019). A Comparative Analysis of the Spatial Characteristic of Apartment Buildings in Gaziantep, Turkey. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture & Planning. Volume 7, Issue 2, 608-625. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2019.100 [ESCI] |
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Yenice Karadayı T. & Altınoluk Ü. (2019). New Uses for Old Buildings: The Case of ‘Sogukcesme’ Street, Istanbul,Turkey. ICONARP Internatıonal Journal of Architecture and Planning, 4(2), 314-329. (ESCI) |
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Gümüşburun Ayalp, G. (2019). Leadership Styles and Entrepreneurship Orientations in Turkish Construction Industry” International Journal of Construction Management. DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2019.1644760 (ESCI) |
Karadayı Yenice, T. ve Gören B. (2019). Debar Fatih Sultan Mehmed (Hunkar) Mosque. Balkan Arastırma Enstıtusu Dergısı-Journal of Balkan Research Instıtute-JBRI 8 (2) ,235-260. (ESCI)
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Gümüşburun Ayalp, G. ve Erman O. (2019). Learning Styles of Architecture Students and Performance in Construction Management Courses: A Case Study”, International Journal of Engineering Education.35(4), 1250-1262. [SCI] |
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Görücü, Y. & Yenice, M.S. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of the Spatial Characteristic of Apartment Buildings in Gaziantep, Turkey. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture & Planning. Volume 7, Issue 2, 608-625. (ESCI) |
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Özata Ş., Arun E.G. (2018). Damage Assessment of Rock-Cut Ortahisar Castle in Cappadocia Region. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol.31, pp.1-11, 2018, http://dergipark.gov.tr/gujs/issue/35772/400072 ISSN: 2147-1762. (SCI) |
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Özata Ş., Arun E.G. (2018). Damage Assessment of Rock-Cut Ortahisar Castle in Cappadocia Region. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol.31, pp.1-11. (SCI) |
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Bozgeyik, Ö. ve Dalkılıç, N. (2018). “Traditional Soap Workshops in Nizip (Gaziantep), South-Eastern Turkey”, Industrıal Archaeology Revıew 40 (1) .39-52. (AHCI).